Hello all, I am doing the simulation of a pentapeptide for one nano second. In between there is a power failure and the simulation stopped in the middle and when I try to resume it using tpb conv I got the following error. READING COORDS, VELS AND BOX FROM TRAJECTORY after_md.trr... trn version: GMX_trn_file Read frame 962: step 240000 time 480.000Fatal error: Can not determine precision of trn file, quit! The command I used was: tpbconv -s after_md.tpr -f after_md.trr -o extend.tpr -extend 1000 But I did one thing. I used the following command: tpbconv -s after_md.tpr -f after_md.trr -o extend.tpr -time 480 It did work fine. But, the problem is the earlier trr file had steps upto 240730 (remember 240000 steps corresponds to 480 ps). Now when I try to concatenate these two files with trjcat, will the additional 730 steps (whose precision could not be determined) that were done in the first step be taken care of. Or is there any other method to continue the file if the last coordinates are not written. Regards Prakash sista _________________________________________________________ There is always a better job for you at Monsterindia.com. Go now http://monsterindia.com/rediffin/