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Hi everybody,
<br>Does anybody why GROMOS96 lead to this error when I try to run cnvtop,
<br>where topology.g87 is a topology for GROMOS87 generated by <b>PRODRG</b>
<p><b>This is the script:</b>
<br>rm -f fort.*
<br>#---input units
<br>ln -s topology.g87
fort.40 # molecular topology
<p>#----output units
<br>ln -s topology.g96
fort.20 # final coordinates
<p>#---run the program
<p><b>and this is the result of cnvtop.64:</b>
<p> Scotty's CNVTOP Program!
<br> $Id: cnvtop.f,v 1.15 1996/10/10 16:43:15 wscott Exp $
<br> CNVTOP expects a binary GROMOS87 topology file on
<br> unit 40.
<br> It writes a GROMOS96 topology file to unit 20.
<br> ORDTOP: Error reading NRATT!
<p>Thanks in advance,
Rubén Martínez-Buey. PhD student
Protein Function and Structure Dept. Lab. 352
Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas (CIB-CSIC)
C/ Velázquez, 144 28006 MADRID
Tlf: +34-91-561 18 00 ext. 4380