program x c---- c---- make a deshuffling index file based on a distance criterion c---- input: c---- 2 .gro files. First the atoms in the desired order, then the shuffled c---- ones c---- implicit none integer i,j,nat,nr,iargc,last real x1(5000000),x2(50000000),dis,dx,dy,dz,boxx,boxy,boxz character*80 sdum logical found if (iargc().ne.2) then write(0,'(a)') 'Usage: deshuf sort.gro shuffled.gro > sort.ndx' write(0,'(a)') write(0,'(a,a)') 'writes an index file to deshuffle the atom', & ' order in shuffled.gro back to the one in sort.gro' stop endif call getarg(1,sdum) open(1,file=sdum,status='old') call getarg(2,sdum) open(2,file=sdum,status='old') read(1,*) read(1,*) nat do i=1,nat read(1,'(20x,3f8.3)') x1(3*i-2),x1(3*i-1),x1(3*i) enddo read(1,*) boxx,boxy,boxz read(2,*) read(2,*) nat do i=1,nat read(2,'(20x,3f8.3)') x2(3*i-2),x2(3*i-1),x2(3*i) enddo write(6,'(a)') '[deshuf]' nr=0 last=0 do i=1,nat found=.false. do j=last+1,nat dx=x1(3*i-2)-x2(3*j-2) dy=x1(3*i-1)-x2(3*j-1) dz=x1(3*i)-x2(3*j) dis=dx**2+dy**2+dz**2 if ( then write(6,*) j nr=nr+1 last=j found=.true. goto 10 endif enddo do j=1,max(1,last-1) dx=x1(3*i-2)-x2(3*j-2) dy=x1(3*i-1)-x2(3*j-1) dz=x1(3*i)-x2(3*j) dis=dx**2+dy**2+dz**2 if ( then write(6,*) j nr=nr+1 last=j found=.true. goto 10 endif enddo if (.not.found) then C----- C----- check if atom is PBC-ed, rect box only C----- do j=last+1,nat dx=x1(3*i-2)-x2(3*j-2) dy=x1(3*i-1)-x2(3*j-1) dz=x1(3*i)-x2(3*j) if (*0.5) dx=dx-boxx if (*-0.5) dx=dx+boxx if (*0.5) dy=dy-boxy if (*-0.5) dy=dy+boxy if (*0.5) dz=dz-boxz if (*-0.5) dz=dz+boxz dis=dx**2+dy**2+dz**2 if ( then write(6,*) j nr=nr+1 last=i found=.true. goto 10 endif enddo do j=1,max(1,last-1) dx=x1(3*i-2)-x2(3*j-2) dy=x1(3*i-1)-x2(3*j-1) dz=x1(3*i)-x2(3*j) if (*0.5) dx=dx-boxx if (*-0.5) dx=dx+boxx if (*0.5) dy=dy-boxy if (*-0.5) dy=dy+boxy if (*0.5) dz=dz-boxz if (*-0.5) dz=dz+boxz dis=dx**2+dy**2+dz**2 if ( then write(6,*) j nr=nr+1 last=i found=.true. goto 10 endif enddo endif 10 continue if (.not.found) then last=0 write(0,*) i,' not found!' endif enddo if ( then write (0,*) 'WARNING: not all atoms could be assigned' write (0,*) 'only',nr,' out of',nat endif end