<DIV>Hi all, </DIV>
<DIV>I have a ligand (retinal) which can exist in two conformational isomers. I know the parameters (ie angles, dihedrals etc) of both conformations, but how can I get gromacs to change the conformation of retinal from one form to another. I have tried grompp -r option with ie -c conformer1 ret -r conformer2 ret ,but nothing happened the retinal just stayed in the conformer1 form. Am i missing something obvious?? </DIV>
<DIV>Chris</DIV><p><p><br><hr size=1><a href="http://uk.rd.yahoo.com/evt=8613/*http://uk.yahoo.com/mail/tagline_plus/?http://uk.promotions.yahoo.com/yplus/btoffer.html"><b><font face="Arial" size="2">Yahoo! Plus - For a better Internet experience</font></b></a><br>