<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite>Thanks for the suggestion Dr
Warren. I tried what you<br>
suggested ,ie, removing the 1-4 interaction pairs for<br>
the troubling hydrogens but even this doesn't seem to<br>
work and i get the lincs error again for the same<br>
hydrogens ..does it has to do something with the RB<br>
dihedrals ? Currently I have specified the dihedrals<br>
for these hydrogens as proper .</blockquote><br>
If you have a RB defined for a particular dihedral then you have to
remove the 1-4 interactions anyway. If instead the dihedral is
defined as a proper or improper then in most cases the 14 should be
I would look around the bond to see what would be making it move so
quickly. Large charges can do that. Also whether you are
using too larger time step.<br><br>
Another trick to slow down the motion of atoms (which is mentioned in the
manual as well) is to increase the mass of the hydrogens by a factor of
4, then subtract the additional mass of the atom it is attached
Catch ya,<br>
<b>Dr. Dallas Warren<br>
</b><i>Research Fellow<br>
</i>Department of Pharmaceutical Biology and Pharmacology<br>
Victorian College of Pharmacy, Monash University<br>
381 Royal Parade, Parkville VIC 3010<br>
<font color="#0000FF"><u>dallas.warren@vcp.monash.edu.au<br>
</u></font>+61 3 9903 9083<br>
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