#!/bin/tcsh #$ -cwd #$ -j y # Define system shell #$ -S /bin/tcsh # Amount of CPUs to schedule for. #$ -pe mpich 2 echo 'running on ' $HOST setenv GMX_MPI on source ~/bin/GMXRC setenv PBC 1 # setenv utbibl /home/ahl/PO/ut2 if ( ! -f $utbibl ) then mkdir $utbibl echo creating $utbibl endif set kopiera=NEJ # #mpirun -np 1 \ #/opt/mpich/gnu/bin/mpirun -np 1 \ $GMXBIN/grompp_mpi -f PO45s_mdX -c PO45_Smith_1ns -n PO45s -o topol/PO45s_mdA2 -p topol/21PO45s -np 2 echo "grompp done" echo "GMXBIN=" $GMXBIN ls $GMXBIN/md* # sleep 5 echo " " $GMXBIN/luck echo " " #%mpirun -np 7 \ /opt/mpich/gnu/bin/mpirun -np 2 \ $GMXBIN/mdrun_mpi -s /home/ahl/PO/topol/PO45s_mdA2 -o $utbibl/PO45s_mdA2 -c $utbibl/PO45s_mdA2 -g $utbibl/PO45s_mdA2 -e $utbibl/PO45s_mdA2 -np 2 # #if ($kopiera == JA) then # ls $utbibl # echo 'Moving files..' # mv $utbibl/*.{log,ene,gro} . # mv $utbibl/*.trj /net/london.fy.chalmers.se/raid/tfy/ahlstrom/PO # ls $utbibl #else # echo 'Not moving files' #endif