title = CD3z embbeded in DMPC bi-layer solvated in water. cpp = /usr/bin/cpp define = -DFLEX_SPC integrator = steep nsteps = 50000 ; Constrain control constraints = none ; Output frequency for coords (x), velocities (v) and forces (f) nstxout = 100 nstvout = 100 nstfout = 100 ; nblist update frequency nstlist = 10 ; ns algorithm ns_type = grid rlist = 1 ; Method for doing VdW vdw-type = Cut-off rvdw = 1 ; Method for doing electrostatics coulombtype = Cut-off rcoulomb = 1 ; Center of mass control nstcomm = 1 ; Periodic boundary conditions pbc = xyz ; Mode for center of mass motion removal comm-mode = Linear ; Energy minimizing stuff emtol = 500.0 emstep = 0.1