/* * $Id: mknb_metacode.c,v 2006/03/30 15:27:24 lindahl Exp $ * * Gromacs 4.0 Copyright (c) 1991-2003 * David van der Spoel, Erik Lindahl, University of Groningen. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * To help us fund GROMACS development, we humbly ask that you cite * the research papers on the package. Check out http://www.gromacs.org * * And Hey: * Gnomes, ROck Monsters And Chili Sauce */ #include #include #include #include #include #include /* This file is NOT threadsafe, but it is only used to create * the nonbonded loops during the build process, so it will never be * executed by multiple threads. */ /* Global variables: */ int mknb_fortran=0; /* 1 if fortran is used */ int mknb_double=0; /* 1 if double precision */ int mknb_keep_comments=0; int mknb_indent_level=0; FILE * mknb_output=NULL; /* Return the current indentation as a string */ static char * mknb_indent(void) { static char buf[255]; int i; int indent; if(mknb_fortran) indent = 6 + MKNB_FORTRAN_INDENT_STEP * mknb_indent_level; else indent = MKNB_C_INDENT_STEP * (mknb_indent_level+1); if(indent > 254) indent = 254; for(i=0; i=maxlen) j=maxlen; while(j>(i+1)) { if(line[j]=='+' || line[j]=='-' || line[j]=='/' || (line[j]=='*' && line[j-1]!='*') || /* dont split "**" */ line[j]==' ') break; j--; } if(j==i) { printf("Error: Couldn't break this line:\n%s\n",line); exit(1); } strncpy(tmpbuf,line+i,j-i+1); tmpbuf[j-i]=0; fprintf(mknb_output,tmpbuf); fprintf(mknb_output,"\n"); fprintf(mknb_output," & "); i=j; } fprintf(mknb_output,line+i); } /* Print a line of code to the output file. * This routine does proper indentation, and also supports the * same type of variable-argument lists as printf, apart from * field widths. */ void mknb_code(char *format, ...) { va_list ap; int *d; double f; char *s; char tmp[4096]; char outbuf[4096]; sprintf(outbuf,"%s",mknb_indent()); va_start(ap,format); while(*format) { if(*format!='%') sprintf(tmp,"%c",*format); else { switch(*(++format)) { case 'd': /* read an integer */ d = va_arg(ap, int *); sprintf(tmp,"%d",*d); break; case 'f': /* read a (double precision) floating point number */ f = va_arg(ap, double); sprintf(tmp,"%.16f",f); break; case 's': /* read a string */ s = va_arg(ap, char *); sprintf(tmp,s); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Error, unsupported format supplied to mknb_code():\nn"); exit(-1); break; } } format++; strcat(outbuf,tmp); } va_end(ap); if(mknb_fortran) mknb_fortran_splitline(outbuf); else fprintf(mknb_output,outbuf); fprintf(mknb_output,"\n"); } /* Prints an assignment. * This routine does proper indentation, and also supports the * same type of variable-argument lists as printf (both in * the left and right-hand side buffers), apart from field widths. * * a statement like mknb_assign("atom%d","data%d",3,5) will give * * atom3 = data5; * * * In contrast to mknb_code(), mknb_assign() appends a semicolon when the * language is not set to fortran. * */ void mknb_assign(char *left, char *right, ...) { int i; char *format; char buf[4096],tmp[4096]; char outbuf[4096]; va_list ap; int d; double f; char *s; sprintf(outbuf,"%s",mknb_indent()); va_start(ap,right); for(i=0;i<=1;i++) { /* first we do the left buffer, then repeat everything for the right. */ if(i==0) format=left; else format=right; buf[0]='\0'; while(*format) { if(*format!='%') sprintf(tmp,"%c",*format); else { switch(*(++format)) { case 'd': /* read an integer */ d = va_arg(ap, int); sprintf(tmp,"%d",d); break; case 'f': /* read a (double precision) floating point number */ f = va_arg(ap, double); sprintf(tmp,"%.16f",f); break; case 's': /* read a string */ s = va_arg(ap, char *); sprintf(tmp,s); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Error, unsupported format supplied to mknb_assign()\n"); exit(-1); break; } } strcat(buf,tmp); format++; } if(i==1 && !mknb_fortran) strcat(buf,";"); sprintf(tmp,"%-16s",buf); strcat(outbuf,tmp); if(i==0) strcat(outbuf," = "); } va_end(ap); if(mknb_fortran) mknb_fortran_splitline(outbuf); else fprintf(mknb_output,outbuf); fprintf(mknb_output,"\n"); } /* Start a for loop and increase indentation.*/ void mknb_start_loop(char *lvar,char *from,char *to) { mknb_code(""); if(mknb_fortran) { mknb_code("do %s=%s,%s",lvar,from,to); } else { mknb_code("for(%s=%s; (%s<%s); %s++)", lvar,from,lvar,to,lvar); mknb_code("{"); } mknb_indent_level++; } /* decrease indentation and close for loop */ void mknb_end_loop(void) { mknb_indent_level--; if(mknb_fortran) mknb_code("end do"); else mknb_code("}"); mknb_code(""); } void mknb_start_if(char *cond) { mknb_code(""); if(mknb_fortran) mknb_code("if (%s) then",cond); else { mknb_code("if(%s)", cond); mknb_code("{"); } mknb_indent_level++; } void mknb_do_else() { mknb_indent_level--; if(mknb_fortran) mknb_code("else"); else { mknb_code("}"); mknb_code("else"); mknb_code("{"); } mknb_indent_level++; } void mknb_end_if(void) { mknb_indent_level--; if (mknb_fortran) mknb_code("endif"); else mknb_code("}"); mknb_code(""); }