title = MD simulation of 1L3F_uc ;Preprocessor cpp = /lib/cpp ;Directories to include in the topology format include = -I/home/siva/shankari/forcef ;position restraint for protein define = -DPOSRES_UREA ;Run control: A leap-frog algorithm for integrating Newton's equations. integrator = md ;Total simulation time: 300 ps ;time step in femtoseconds dt = 0.002 ;number of steps nsteps = 150000 ;frequency to write coordinates to output trajectory file nstxout =500 ;frequency to write velocities to output trajectory file nstvout =500 ;frequency to write energies to log file nstlog = 5000 ;frequency to write energies to energy file nstenergy = 500 ;frequency to write coordinates to xtc trajectory nstxtcout = 500 ;group(s) to write to xtc trajectory xtc_grps = urea sol ;group(s) to write to energy file energygrps = urea sol ;Frequency to update the neighbor list (and the long-range forces, ;when using twin-range cut-off's). nstlist = 10 ;Make a grid in the box and only check atoms in neighboring grid cells ;when constructing a new neighbor list every nstlist steps. ns_type = grid ;cut-off distance for the short-range neighbor list rlist = 0.9 ;treatment of electrostatic interactions coulombtype =PME rcoulomb = 0.9 fourierspacing =0.12 pme_order =4 ewald_rtol =1e-5 optimize_fft =yes ;treatment of van der waals interactions rvdw = 1.0 ;Temperature coupling tcoupl = berendsen tc_grps = urea sol tau_t = 4.0 4.0 ref_t = 300 300 ;Pressure coupling Pcoupl = berendsen Pcoupltype = anisotropic tau_p = 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 compressibility = 0 0 4.5e-5 0 0 0 ref_p = 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 ;Velocity generation gen_vel = no gen_temp = 300 gen_seed = 173529 ;Constrain all bonds constraints = all-bonds ;freeze ;freezegrps = urea ;freezedim = Y Y Y