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Dear gmx users,<BR>
In order to get more direct help, some words need to be added to the question for the first time. <BR>
The dendrimer I want to study is just PAMAM, ethylenediamine (EDA) cored and amine surface poly(amidoamine). The pdb file for the PAMAM has assumed to be obtained, and I want to generate the .gro and .top files from the pdb file using pdb2gmx. According to the advice, some files need to be modified to make it implement successfully. so my question becomes: How to modify those files? Thanks a lot.<BR>
Chaofu Wu, Dr.<BR><br /><hr />没有互动,哪来共识?微软地图MSN互动为你提供全新地图浏览体验! <a href='http://ditu.live.com/?form=TL&swm=1' target='_new'>立即试用!</a></body>