-------------------------------------- Running PBS prologue script -------------------------------------- User and Job Data: -------------------------------------- Job ID: 72899.tezpur2 Username: tliyan1 Group: Users Date: 10-Dec-2009 17:46 Node: tezpur186 (29796) -------------------------------------- PBS has allocated the following nodes: tezpur186 A total of 4 processors on 1 nodes allocated --------------------------------------------- Check nodes and clean them of stray processes --------------------------------------------- Checking node tezpur186 17:46:02 Done clearing all the allocated nodes ------------------------------------------------------ Concluding PBS prologue script - 10-Dec-2009 17:46:02 ------------------------------------------------------ Thu Dec 10 17:46:03 CST 2009 Can't read MPIRUN_PROCESSES Can't read MPIRUN_PROCESSES mpispawn.c:303 Unexpected exit status Child exited abnormally! Killing remote processes...DONE Thu Dec 10 17:46:06 CST 2009 ------------------------------------------------------ Running PBS epilogue script - 10-Dec-2009 17:46:06 ------------------------------------------------------ Checking node tezpur186 (MS) Checking node tezpur186 ok ------------------------------------------------------ Concluding PBS epilogue script - 10-Dec-2009 17:46:07 ------------------------------------------------------ Exit Status: Job ID: 72899.tezpur2 Username: tliyan1 Group: Users Job Name: CB_20Bulk Session Id: 29795 Resource Limits: ncpus=1,nodes=1:ppn=4,walltime=48:00:00 Resources Used: cput=00:00:00,mem=0kb,vmem=0kb,walltime=00:00:05 Queue Used: checkpt Account String: tliyan1 Node: tezpur186 Process id: 30231 ------------------------------------------------------