title = production-dynamics ;warnings = 10 cpp = /lib/cpp DEFINE = -DPOSRES ;DEFINE = -DFLEXIBLE constraints = hbonds constraint_algorithm = shake integrator = md dt = 0.001 ; nsteps = 1000000 ; ;nstcomm = 1 ; reset c.o.m motion nstlist = 1 ns_type = grid nstenergy = 1 ; print energies nstlog = 0 ; print to logfile nstvout = 1 ; write velocities nstxout = 1 ; collect data every 1 fs (write coords) ;nstxtcout = 0 ; to print corrdinates to xtc trajectory ;xtc-precision = 100 nstfout = 0 coulombtype = shift fourierspacing = 0.12 pme_order = 4 vdwtype = switch rvdw = 1.0 rlist = 1.6 rcoulomb = 1.0 pbc = xyz ;dispcorr = no continuation = yes ;Berendsen temperature coupling is on Tcoupl = v-rescale ; temperature bath (yes, no) tau_t = 0.1 0.1 tc-grps = protein non-protein ref_t = 300 300 ;Berendsen Pressure coupling is on ;pcoupl = no ; pressure bath (yes, no) ;pcoupl = Parrinello-Rahman ; pressure bath (yes, no) ;pcoupltype = isotropic ;tau_p = 0.5 ;compressibility = 4.5e-05 ;ref_p = 1.0 ;Generate velocities is on at 300 ;gen_vel = yes ; generate initial velocities ;gen_temp = 300.0 ; initial temperature ;gen_seed = 173529 ; random seed