<div style="font-family: 'Times New Roman'; font-size: 16px;">Dear GROMACS users,<br _moz_dirty="" /><br _moz_dirty="" />I would like to run some simulations of systems combined of polyethylene oxide brushes and short homooligopeptides (alanine, 12 residues) using CHARMM force field with GROAMCS 4.0.5 version. I have used parameters from the CHARMM force field files from the newest version of GROMACS. I have prepared rtp files, converted the dihedral potential from type 9 to type 3 (Ryckaert-Bellemans) in ffbonded.itp. I can not prepare topol.top file when using pdb2gms -ff ... -f ... I am geting the following error message<br _moz_dirty="" /><br _moz_dirty="" />Program pdb2gmx, VERSION 4.0.3<br _moz_dirty="" />Source code file: resall.c, line: 344<br _moz_dirty="" /><br _moz_dirty="" />Fatal error:<br _moz_dirty="" />in .rtp file in residue cmap at line:<br _moz_dirty="" /> -C N CA C +N<br _moz_dirty="" /><br _moz_dirty="" />Can I run these simulations with including CMAP.itp in 4.0.5 version. I have tried to omit the cmap.itp in the forcefield.itp, and removed [cmap] section in rtp and thus to neglect the CMAP correction, but I still got the same message. I have checked the mailing list but have not found answer to my questions. I would be very thanful for any suggestions and advice<br _moz_dirty="" /><br _moz_dirty="" />Greetings<br _moz_dirty="" />Zuzana<br _moz_dirty="" /><br _moz_dirty="" /><br /></div>