define = -DPOSRES integrator = md dt = 0.002 ; ps ! nsteps = 50000 ; total 100ps. ; OPTIONS FOR BONDS ; Constrain control constraints = all-bonds ; Do not constrain the start configuration continuation = no ; Type of constraint algorithm constraint-algorithm = lincs ; OUTPUT CONTROL OPTIONS ; Output frequency for coords (x), velocities (v) and forces (f) nstxout = 100000 nstvout = 100000 nstfout = 100000 ; Output frequency and precision for xtc file nstxtcout = 5000 xtc-precision = 1000 ; Energy monitoring energygrps = Protein Non-protein nstenergy = 5000 ; NEIGHBORSEARCHING PARAMETERS ; nblist update frequency nstlist = 5 ; ns algorithm (simple or grid) ns-type = Grid ; nblist cut-off rlist = 0.8 ; OPTIONS FOR ELECTROSTATICS AND VDW ; Method for doing electrostatics coulombtype = Reaction-Field rcoulomb = 1.4 epsilon_rf = 62 ; As suggested at J Comput Chem. 2004 Oct;25(13):1656-76. vdw-type = Cut-off ; cut-off lengths rvdw = 1.4 ; Apply long range dispersion corrections for Energy and Pressure DispCorr = no ; OPTIONS FOR WEAK COUPLING ALGORITHMS ; Temperature coupling tcoupl = berendsen ; Groups to couple separately, time constant (ps) and reference temperature (K) tc-grps = Protein Non-Protein tau-t = 0.1 0.1 ref-t = 300 300 ; Pressure coupling Pcoupl = berendsen Pcoupltype = isotropic ; Time constant (ps), compressibility (1/bar) and reference P (bar) tau_p = 1.0 compressibility = 4.5e-5 ref_p = 1.0 ; Generate velocites is on at 290K - do not get velocity from gro file. gen_vel = yes gen_temp = 290 gen-seed = -1 ; Center of mass control nstcomm = 1000 ; Periodic boundary conditions pbc = xyz ; Mode for center of mass motion removal comm-mode = Linear ; Groups for center of mass motion removal comm-grps = system