hello sir,<br> Thanks for your reply..<br>As you suggest i tried with all available forcefield for my lipopeptide but i am getting the same error,,<br><br><br><b>Processing chain 2 'A' (16 atoms, 1 residues)<br>Warning: Starting residue BFC1 in chain not identified as Protein/RNA/DNA.<br>
Problem with chain definition, or missing terminal residues.<br>This chain does not appear to contain a recognized chain molecule.<br>If this is incorrect, you can edit residuetypes.dat to modify the behavior.<br>8 out of 8 lines of specbond.dat converted successfully<br>
<br>-------------------------------------------------------<br>Program pdb2gmx, VERSION 4.5.5<br>Source code file: resall.c, line: 581<br><br>Fatal error:<br>Residue 'BFC' not found in residue topology database<br>
For more information and tips for troubleshooting, please check the GROMACS<br>website at <a href="http://www.gromacs.org/Documentation/Errors">http://www.gromacs.org/Documentation/Errors</a><br>-------------------------------------------------------</b><br>
<br><br>since mine is connected cyclic lipopeptide even i cant try using prodrg server too.<br>i dono how to generate my topology file.<br>pls help me with your answer.<br> Thanking you,<br>