; VARIOUS PREPROCESSING OPTIONS title = Position Restrained Molecular Dynamics cpp = /lib/cpp define = -DPOSRES ; RUN CONTROL PARAMETERS integrator = md dt = 0.001 ; time step (ps) nsteps = 5000 ; number of steps ; OUTPUT CONTROL OPTIONS nstenergy = 10 energygrps = OTHER WATER ION ; NEIGHBORSEARCHING PARAMETERS nstlist = 5 ns_type = grid pbc = xyz rlist = 0.9 ; OPTIONS FOR ELECTROSTATICS AND VDW coulombtype = Reaction-Field rcoulomb = 1.4 epsilon_rf = 78 vdw-type = Cut-off rvdw = 1.4 ; Temperature coupling tcoupl = Berendsen ; Couple temperature to external heat bath according to Berendsen method tc-grps = OTHER WATER ION ; Use separate heat baths for Protein and Non-Protein groups tau_t = 0.1 0.1 0.1 ; Coupling time constant, controlling strength of coupling ref_t = 200 200 200 ; Temperature of heat bath ; GENERATE VELOCITIES FOR STARTUP RUN gen_vel = yes ; Assign velocities to particles by taking them randomly from a Maxwell distribution gen_temp = 200.0 ; Temperature to generate corresponding Maxwell distribution gen_seed = 1458 ; Seed for (semi) random number generation. Different numbers give different sets of velocities ; OPTIONS FOR BONDS constraints = all-bonds ; All bonds will be treated as constraints (fixed length)