[gmx-users] Improper angle value

Alexander yakovenko_a at ukr.net
Wed Jun 4 15:37:00 CEST 2003

Hi Anton,

>Using rasmol2.7, I measured the improper dihedral angle to be
>0.6 degrees, which is different from your 1.3. How did you
>obtain/calculate your angle?

I've obtain it from HyperChem 6.03 (-178.731Deg) and my own program
(1.32Deg) by standard formula of angle between two squares:
I'll check my calculations manually and inform you soon.

Best regards,

Alexander Yakovenko
Institute of Molecular Biology & Genetic of NAS of Ukraine
acad.Zabolotnogo str. 150
E-mail: yakovenko_a at ukr.net                    

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