[gmx-users] source

Bo Yang n62star at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 22 03:31:50 CET 2004

Hello, Oli:

Thank you very much for your suggestion. 

I compiled in /Users/bo/gromacs-3.2.1/, and didn't do
anything about 'source'. As you suggested, 'source'
and 'installed software' are two completely different
things. Could you give a  bit more details about
'source'? Is it a part of Mac C? If not, where can I
search for it? And I don't have 'Development' under my
local directory. If I put it under /Users/bo/gromacs,
should it be fine? Further more, when I find the
'source', should I copy and paste it into my local
directory, or just move the whole files?

All the bests


Message: 5
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 2004 22:36:20 +0000 (GMT)
From: Oliver Beckstein <oliver at biop.ox.ac.uk>
Subject: Re: [gmx-users] Gromacs-3.2.1-install: errors
To: Discussion list for GROMACS users
<gmx-users at gromacs.org>

<Pine.LNX.4.21.0411212232310.7130-100000 at neuromancer.merton.ox.ac.uk>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Hi Bo,

do you happen to compile in /Users/bo/gromacs-3.2.1/,
ie is the source
also in this directory? Because then the installation
procedure would 
to overwrite the files in share/top.

Put the sources in eg
/Users/bo/Development/gromacs-3.2.1 and then 
your configure --prefix=/Users/bo/gromacs-3.2.1 ...,
make, make install

Sources and installed software are two completely
different things.


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