[gmx-users] dividing too large trajectory into smaller fragments

Daniela S. Mueller d.s.mueller at rug.nl
Fri Feb 10 03:32:37 CET 2006

Mark Abraham wrote:
> Daniela S. Mueller wrote:
>> hi gmx-users,
>> is there a way to convert a very large trajectory file back to smaller 
>> fragments? 
> Yes. There's a great section 7.4 in the manual that describes the 
> utility programs by topic. One of these is suited to your task - have a 
> read.

great section is known. several file manipulating and analysis tools 
cannot read the file anymore, the same fatal error is given every time.

>> or does it depend on the file system type?
>> when i try to use/read an xtc-file (2.1G) i get the fatal error: file 
>> file.xtc not found.
> There are file systems & non-gromacs software that have problems with 
> files over 2GB. We can't help more without more details.
> Mark

that's all there is: a very big file and the same fatal error every time 
with different gromacs tools. i probably have to move it to another able 
file system and read it there.
unless someone knows something else...


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