[gmx-users] gcc 4.2.x

baloilgiullare baloilgiullare at interfree.it
Fri May 9 19:40:37 CEST 2008


has anyone tested gromacs-3.3.3 using the latest version of gcc (4.2.3) 
which is shipped with some linux distros (i know of debian,ubuntu 8 and 
It causes problems analougous to the 4.1.x series (and by the way this 
is true for 3.3.3? I guess the warning on gromacs web site dates to the 
realese of 3.3.1).

Finally, it does make sense tu run the test suite using version
3.3.3 (it was for 3.3.2 i think but there should not be serious 

giordano mancini

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