[gmx-users] Re: bilayer area now gradually increasing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

chris.neale at utoronto.ca chris.neale at utoronto.ca
Thu May 29 10:22:25 CEST 2008

Dear Anindita,

I am quite sure that I made it clear that this type of question is  
most appropriately posted to the mailing list. I believe that I know  
what is going on with your system, but it simply does not make sense  
for this type of question to be answered by personal email when such  
things as archived mailing lists exist. In fact, the explanation of  
what your system is experiencing has already been described by me, in  
response to a query by you, on the gromacs mailing list. You can find  
the answer there or post to the list to see if somebody wants to  
answer you.


Quoting ANINDITA GAYEN <aninditagayen at yahoo.co.in>:

> I have done the topology corrections according to your suggestion,   
> and succeeded to get out of my dmpc bilayer decreasing area problem.  
>  Now there is another problem which is the bilayer is now gradually   
> increaing in area. the box -Z vector is decreasing and the Box-X and  
>  Box-Y are increasing. The current area is 61.1A2 after 1.6ns run,   
> but i am afraid of if the bilayer increases more with more   
> simulation. The first 1 ns run yields the box-vectors by g_energy as,

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