Fwd: [gmx-users] Re: x2top and bonds. No forcefield type for atom S (2) with 3 bonds

Justin A. Lemkul jalemkul at vt.edu
Fri Feb 5 21:59:04 CET 2010

Vitaly V. Chaban wrote:
> Yes, I provided all the possible entries in the N2T.although the
> problem is the same. I also recreated PDB and re-measured the
> distances but everything seems pretty correct in my PDB.
> N   N     2   S  0.17 S 0.17
> F   F     1   C  0.14
> S   S     4   O  0.17 O 0.17 C 0.18  N 0.17
> C   C     4   F  0.14 F 0.14 F 0.14  S 0.18
> O   O     1   S  0.17

Is this to be used with the original .pdb file you posted?  I ran it through and 
it failed with a very important (I think) error:

"There are 0 name to type translations"

As before, the format of your .n2t file is incorrect.  Build a suitable file and 
try again.


> Vitaly
> On Fri, Feb 5, 2010 at 10:13 PM, Justin A. Lemkul <jalemkul at vt.edu> wrote:
>> Vitaly V. Chaban wrote:
>>> On Fri, Feb 5, 2010 at 9:13 PM, Justin A. Lemkul <jalemkul at vt.edu> wrote:
>>>> Vitaly V. Chaban wrote:
>>>>> In this context, it is interesting how X2TOP decides that two atoms
>>>>> are connected? Only on the base of N2T: if the atom should have 4
>>>>> neighbours, it looks for the appropriate number of them?
>>>> That's correct.
>>> Then the interesting error is:
>>> "Fatal error:
>>> No forcefield type for atom C (1) with 0 bonds"
>>> while PDB contains other atoms than carbon. If it looks for neighbours
>>> why does not it find them...
>> The error is complaining that atom 1 (a carbon atom) is not within searching
>> distance of any atoms to which it should be bonded.  Have you specified .n2t
>> entries for every one of your atoms?  For example, it is insufficient to
>> specify an .n2t line for the central S (in your original post) and expect
>> x2top to understand that the O, N, and C atoms to which it is connected can
>> have their atom types determined.  You need .n2t entries for all of those
>> atoms, too, specifying that they are, in turn, connected to S in some way.
>>  The above error suggests that x2top is finding a carbon atom that you have
>> not defined in the .n2t file.
>> -Justin
>>>>> In my case, maybe it considers that 0.18 nm is too much for two atoms
>>>>> to be connected?
>>>> The length defined in the .n2t file should be the actual bond length
>>>> (from
>>>> the coordinate file) +/- 10%, like specbond.dat, if I recall; x2top
>>>> should
>>>> not arbitrarily try to dictate that a bond is too long.
>>>> -Justin
>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>> From: Vitaly V. Chaban <vvchaban at gmail.com>
>>>>> Date: Fri, Feb 5, 2010 at 7:56 PM
>>>>> Subject: Re: [gmx-users] Re: x2top and bonds. No forcefield type for
>>>>> atom S (2) with 3 bonds
>>>>> To: jalemkul at vt.edu, gmx-users at gromacs.org
>>>>> Yes. This worked even with my N2T. I will probably recreate my PDB...
>>>>> On Fri, Feb 5, 2010 at 7:51 PM, Justin A. Lemkul <jalemkul at vt.edu>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Vitaly V. Chaban wrote:
>>>>>>> Justin,
>>>>>>> Am I correct that X2TOP uses only N2T file to make a topology?
>>>>>> Yes.
>>>>>>> I made the full line for Sulphur but it didn't change the situation.
>>>>>>> It looks strange that X2TOP notices 3 bonds although I propose to have
>>>>>>> 4 bonds (and they are present). If I propose 3 bonds, it readily gives
>>>>>>> an output... This is like it has predefined Sulphur with 3 bonds.
>>>>>> Certainly not.  Take, for example, a simple SO4 molecule:
>>>>>> REMARK
>>>>>> HETATM    1  OAC DRG     1       5.850  14.800 -12.770  1.00 20.00
>>>>>>  O
>>>>>> HETATM    2  SAE DRG     1       4.810  15.780 -12.710  1.00 20.00
>>>>>>  S
>>>>>> HETATM    3  OAD DRG     1       3.550  15.150 -12.980  1.00 20.00
>>>>>>  O
>>>>>> HETATM    4  OAB DRG     1       4.770  16.390 -11.340  1.00 20.00
>>>>>>  O
>>>>>> HETATM    5  OAA DRG     1       5.070  16.850 -13.730  1.00 20.00
>>>>>>  O
>>>>>> The topology is generated just fine with this .n2t file:
>>>>>> S   S   0   32.06   4   O  0.145    O   0.145   O   0.145   O   0.145
>>>>>> O   OM  0   15.9994 1   S  0.145
>>>>>> I don't know what might be going on with your system, but I would
>>>>>> suggest
>>>>>> creating an .n2t file with only entries pertinent to your system, for
>>>>>> all
>>>>>> atoms involved.  This is, of course, only really useful for debugging,
>>>>>> since
>>>>>> in theory, x2top should be easily extensible by appending the .n2t
>>>>>> file.
>>>>>> -Justin
>>>>>>> Vitaly
>>>>>>> On Fri, Feb 5, 2010 at 7:18 PM, Vitaly V. Chaban <vvchaban at gmail.com>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>> This can be the reason when X2TOP gives the following error:
>>>>>>>> "
>>>>>>>> Fatal error:
>>>>>>>> No forcefield type for atom S (2) with 3 bonds
>>>>>>>> "
>>>>>>>> ?
>>>>>>>> I try to translate PDB of the TFSA anion
>>>>>>>>    O    O
>>>>>>>>    ||     ||
>>>>>>>> F3C-S-N-S-CF3
>>>>>>>>    ||     ||
>>>>>>>>    O    O
>>>>>>>> into topology.
>>>>>>>> My PDB contains optimized geometry:
>>>>>>>> HEADER    TFSA
>>>>>>>> COMPND    TFSA
>>>>>>>> AUTHOR    VVC
>>>>>>>> ATOM      1  N   TFS     1      -0.000   0.444  -0.008  1.00  0.00
>>>>>>>> ATOM      2  S   TFS     1       1.401  -0.440  -0.189  1.00  0.00
>>>>>>>> ATOM      3  S   TFS     1      -1.400  -0.438   0.189  1.00  0.00
>>>>>>>> ATOM      4  O   TFS     1      -1.236  -1.810  -0.833  1.00  0.00
>>>>>>>> ATOM      5  O   TFS     1      -1.284  -1.009   1.805  1.00  0.00
>>>>>>>> ATOM      6  O   TFS     1       1.293  -1.026  -1.800  1.00  0.00
>>>>>>>> ATOM      7  O   TFS     1       1.233  -1.803   0.845  1.00  0.00
>>>>>>>> ATOM      8  C   TFS     1      -2.837   0.628  -0.107  1.00  0.00
>>>>>>>> ATOM      9  C   TFS     1       2.836   0.630   0.105  1.00  0.00
>>>>>>>> ATOM     10  F   TFS     1      -3.996  -0.097   0.093  1.00  0.00
>>>>>>>> ATOM     11  F   TFS     1      -2.805   1.094  -1.408  1.00  0.00
>>>>>>>> ATOM     12  F   TFS     1      -2.807   1.698   0.766  1.00  0.00
>>>>>>>> ATOM     13  F   TFS     1       2.802   1.099   1.404  1.00  0.00
>>>>>>>> ATOM     14  F   TFS     1       2.803   1.698  -0.771  1.00  0.00
>>>>>>>> ATOM     15  F   TFS     1       3.996  -0.093  -0.093  1.00  0.00
>>>>>>>> END
>>>>>>>> and my n2t file is
>>>>>>>> C   C   1   C               ; CNT Carbon with one bond
>>>>>>>> C   C   2   C   C           : CNT double bonded Carbon
>>>>>>>> O   O   1   C               ; CARBONYL OXYGEN (C=O)
>>>>>>>> O   OM  1   C               ; CARBOXYL OXYGEN (CO-)
>>>>>>>> O   OA  2   C   H           ; HYDROXYL OXYGEN (OH)
>>>>>>>> O   OW  2   H   H           ; WATER OXYGEN
>>>>>>>> N   N   3   H   C   C       ; PEPTIDE NITROGEN (N OR NH)
>>>>>>>> N   NT  3   H   H   C       ; TERMINAL NITROGEN (NH2)
>>>>>>>> N   NL  4   C   H   H   H   ; TERMINAL NITROGEN (NH3)
>>>>>>>> N   NR5 2   C   C           ; AROMATIC N (5-RING,2 BONDS)
>>>>>>>> N   NR5*    3   C   C   H       ; AROMATIC N (5-RING,3 BONDS)
>>>>>>>> N   NP  3   C   C   FE      ; PORPHYRIN NITROGEN
>>>>>>>> C   C       3   C   O   *       ; BARE CARBON (PEPTIDE,C=O,C-N)
>>>>>>>> ; Note that order is importante here because of wildcards.
>>>>>>>> C   C3  4   H   H   H   *   ; ALIPHATIC CH3 GROUP
>>>>>>>> C   C2  4   H   H   C   *   ; ALIPHATIC CH2 GROUP
>>>>>>>> C   C1      4   H   C   *   *   ; ALIPHATIC CH GROUP
>>>>>>>> C   CB      3   C   C   C       ; BARE CARBON (5-,6-RING)
>>>>>>>> H   H       1   N               ; HYDROGEN BONDED TO NITROGEN
>>>>>>>> H   HO      1   O               ; HYDROXYL HYDROGEN
>>>>>>>> H   HW      1   OW              ; WATER HYDROGEN
>>>>>>>> H   HS      1   S               ; HYDROGEN BONDED TO SULFUR
>>>>>>>> H   HC      1   C               ; HYDROGEN BONDED TO CARBON
>>>>>>>> S   S       4   C  0.181  N  0.167 O 0.172  O  0.172
>>>>>>>> F   F       1   C
>>>>>>>> The Sulphur atoms have each 4 bonds but X2TOP wants them to have only
>>>>>>>> 3. If I change the string in the N2T to 3 bonds, the topology is
>>>>>>>> generated but S-C bond is absent.
>>>>>>>> What can be the problem?
>>>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Vitaly V. Chaban, Ph.D.
>>>>>>>> http://www-rmn.univer.kharkov.ua/chaban.html
>>>> --
>>>> ========================================
>>>> Justin A. Lemkul
>>>> Ph.D. Candidate
>>>> ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
>>>> MILES-IGERT Trainee
>>>> Department of Biochemistry
>>>> Virginia Tech
>>>> Blacksburg, VA
>>>> jalemkul[at]vt.edu | (540) 231-9080
>>>> http://www.bevanlab.biochem.vt.edu/Pages/Personal/justin
>>>> ========================================
>> --
>> ========================================
>> Justin A. Lemkul
>> Ph.D. Candidate
>> ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
>> MILES-IGERT Trainee
>> Department of Biochemistry
>> Virginia Tech
>> Blacksburg, VA
>> jalemkul[at]vt.edu | (540) 231-9080
>> http://www.bevanlab.biochem.vt.edu/Pages/Personal/justin
>> ========================================


Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at]vt.edu | (540) 231-9080


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