[gmx-users] Free webinar on Gromacs-4.6 and GPUs together with Nvidia

Erik Lindahl lindahl at cbr.su.se
Wed Mar 20 17:14:27 CET 2013


On April 4 (9-10am, US pacific time), Nvidia is helping us organize a web seminar about Gromacs-4.6 and all the new GPU capabilities. While I would expect their representative to spend a couple of minutes talking about hardware, they will invite interested users to free remote testdrives of Gromacs running on their hardware, and I hope it goes without saying that I will cover Gromacs-GPU from the scientific side, what it can do for your simulations, how to use it most efficiently, and what hardware we are using ourselves for it!

However, there is one caveat - since this is run on the web with possibilities to ask questions, etc., you will need to register here (feel free to spread the link): https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/802328986

All the best,


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