[gmx-users] How can I use template.c to calculate single point energy?

张紫丹 zhangzidan at tju.edu.cn
Thu Jun 25 07:23:34 CEST 2015

Dear GROMACS users:
Is it possible to use template.c to calculate single point energy? I know template.c can analyze the trajectory information. Now I want to calculate a specific system, which contains several configurations generating from the quaternion rotations, these configurations are independent from each other, the single point energies of them are required for my purpose.
I have got the single point energies using script to invoke grompp and mdrun, but it’s not efficient. So I want to implement the calculation through template.c, in which I can read in topology parameters, calculate single point energies and print them out.
To put it simply, can I invoke modules (read in parameters from force field like oplsaa, calculate bonded energies, nonbonded energies) in gromacs into template.c and do what I want?
I am appreciate to any response and thank you very much for your time.


Zidan Zhang
Ph.D. Candidate
Department of Physics
School of Science
Tianjin University
Weijin Road 92, Nankai District
300072, Tianjin City
P. R. ChinaPhone: +86 13602178673
E-mail: zhangzidan at tju.edu.cn

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