[gmx-users] A jump in potential just after extension

Faezeh Pousaneh fpoosaneh at gmail.com
Wed Mar 18 09:18:25 CET 2015

Dear Justin,

I use gromacs/4.6.7. <> Below is my .mdp file. No that is
not similar to my case, I do not change any setting for the extension. (I
should add that despite strange jump in potential in g_energy, the
trajectory goes in a direction which I expect.)

 integrator                = md
 dt                            = 0.002
 nsteps                    = 50000000
 nstxout                   = 10000           ; save coordinates every  ps
 nstvout                   = 10000           ; save velocities every ps
 nstlog                     = 10000           ; update log file every
 nstenergy               = 10000           ; save energies every
 nstxtcout                = 100000         ; Output frequency for xtc file
 xtc-precision          = 100000         ; precision for xtc file
 ns_type    = grid        ; search neighboring grid cells
 nstlist    = 5            ;  fs
 pbc            = xyz  ; 3-D PBC
 rlist            = 1.2  ; short-range neighborlist cutoff (in nm)
 rcoulomb            = 1.2         ; short-range electrostatic cutoff (in
 rvdw             = 1.2  ; short-range van der Waals cutoff (in nm)
 coulombtype             = PME         ; Particle Mesh Ewald for long-range
 pme_order                 = 4           ; cubic interpolation
 fourierspacing            = 0.16        ; grid spacing for FFT
 vdw-type                    = Cut-off
 Tcoupl                        = v-rescale   ; modified Berendsen thermostat
 tc-grps                     = LUT SOL         ; two coupling groups - more
 tau_t                           = 0.1   0.1      ; time constant, in ps
 ref_t                            = 380.   380.     ; reference
temperature, one for each group, in K
 ;tc-grps                       = system
 energygrps                 = LUT SOL
 Pcoupl                        = Parrinello-Rahman
 Pcoupltype                  = Isotropic
 tau_p                           = 1.0
 compressibility             = 4.5e-5
 ref_p                            = 1.0
 gen_vel                        = no
 gen_temp                    = 380.0
 gen_seed                    = 712349
 DispCorr                      = EnerPres    ; account for cut-off vdW
 constraints                  = all-bonds  ; all bonds constrained (fixed
 continuation      = yes         ; Restarting after NPT
 constraint-algorithm      = lincs       ; holonomic constraints
 lincs_iter                        = 1  ; accuracy of LINCS
 lincs_order                = 4  ; also related to accuracy

Best regards

Dear Justin,
> I use gromacs/4.6.7. Below is my .mdp file. No that is not similar to my
> case, I do not change any setting for the extension. (I should add that
> despite strange jump in potential in g_energy, the trajectory goes in a
> direction which I expect.)
> ************************************PRODUCTIOn************************************************
>  integrator                = md
>  dt                            = 0.002
>  nsteps                    = 50000000
>  nstxout                   = 10000           ; save coordinates every  ps
>  nstvout                   = 10000           ; save velocities every ps
>  nstlog                     = 10000           ; update log file every
>  nstenergy               = 10000           ; save energies every
>  nstxtcout                = 100000         ; Output frequency for xtc file
>  xtc-precision          = 100000         ; precision for xtc file
>  ns_type   = grid        ; search neighboring grid cells
>  nstlist   = 5            ;  fs
>  pbc           = xyz ; 3-D PBC
>  rlist           = 1.2 ; short-range neighborlist cutoff (in nm)
>  rcoulomb           = 1.2         ; short-range electrostatic cutoff (in
> nm)
>  rvdw             = 1.2 ; short-range van der Waals cutoff (in nm)
>  coulombtype             = PME         ; Particle Mesh Ewald for
> long-range electrostatics
>  pme_order                 = 4           ; cubic interpolation
>  fourierspacing            = 0.16        ; grid spacing for FFT
>  vdw-type                    = Cut-off
>  Tcoupl                        = v-rescale   ; modified Berendsen
> thermostat
>  tc-grps                     = LUT SOL         ; two coupling groups -
> more accurate
>  tau_t                           = 0.1   0.1      ; time constant, in ps
>  ref_t                            = 380.   380.     ; reference
> temperature, one for each group, in K
>  ;tc-grps                       = system
>  energygrps                 = LUT SOL
>  Pcoupl                        = Parrinello-Rahman
>  Pcoupltype                  = Isotropic
>  tau_p                           = 1.0
>  compressibility             = 4.5e-5
>  ref_p                            = 1.0
>  gen_vel                        = no
>  gen_temp                    = 380.0
>  gen_seed                    = 712349
>  DispCorr                      = EnerPres    ; account for cut-off vdW
> scheme
>  constraints                  = all-bonds ; all bonds constrained (fixed
> length)
>  continuation      = yes         ; Restarting after NPT
>  constraint-algorithm      = lincs       ; holonomic constraints
>  lincs_iter                        = 1 ; accuracy of LINCS
>  lincs_order                = 4 ; also related to accuracy
> **************************************************************************************************************
> Best regards
> On Mon, Mar 16, 2015 at 12:31 PM, Justin Lemkul <jalemkul at vt.edu> wrote:
>> On 3/16/15 4:45 AM, Faezeh Pousaneh wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am almost new in Gromacs, I searched about my problem but did not
>>> find anything. Can someone please help me?
>>> I extend my simulation with same node on same machine, but when I check
>>> g_energy I find a sharp jump in potential, why is that so?. (for
>>> example if before
>>> the extension the average value of potential were X, just as soon as
>>> extension starts the average jumps to Y.)
>>> my run command:
>>> aprun  -n 1   tpbconv_mpi -s production.tpr -extend 100000 -o
>>> production.tpr
>>> aprun    -n 224  mdrun_mpi -s production.tpr  -cpi state.cpt -c
>>> production.gro
>> Please post the contents of your original .mdp file.  This issue has come
>> up before in very specific cases.  Which version of GROMACS are you using?
>> Is it related to http://redmine.gromacs.org/issues/1640 ?
>> -Justin
>> --
>> ==================================================
>> Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
>> Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA Postdoctoral Fellow
>> Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
>> School of Pharmacy
>> Health Sciences Facility II, Room 629
>> University of Maryland, Baltimore
>> 20 Penn St.
>> Baltimore, MD 21201
>> jalemkul at outerbanks.umaryland.edu | (410) 706-7441
>> http://mackerell.umaryland.edu/~jalemkul
>> ==================================================
>> --
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