[gmx-users] Regarding use of g_x2top utility in Gromacs

Rakesh Pant rakesh.pant at students.iiserpune.ac.in
Sun Nov 26 10:52:47 CET 2017

Dear,  Alex
Does it mean, we do not need to define all the atomtypes in the .nt2 file.
It is enough to define all types in bonded and non-bonded itp.


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On Sun, Nov 26, 2017 at 3:27 PM, Alexandr Nasedkin <nasedkin at chalmers.se>

> Edit the content of you ffnonbonded.itp file approximately this way:
> [ atomtypes ]
> ;name    at.num    mass        charge    ptype    sigma epsilon
> C    14    12.00    1.08    A    0.44000        0.63      ;
> OCE    8    15.999400    -0.70    A    0.35400        0.159705  ; C-O-C
> Bridging Oxygen;
> OCH    8    15.999400    -0.51    A    0.35400        0.159705  ; C-O-H
> Oxygen;
> HCO    1     1.008000    0.32    A    0.04490        0.235725  ; H-O-C
> Hydrogen;
> ....
> You would need to search literature for respective ff parameters: all the
> above parameters are taken from another topology to give a template.
> -Alex
> On 26/11/2017 10:37, Rakesh Pant wrote:
>> Dear Alex,
>>   If I use O atoms to define the respective functional groups, then how to
>> include the C atoms present in the molecule.
>> Thanks,
>> Rakesh
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>> On Sun, Nov 26, 2017 at 3:08 PM, Alexandr Nasedkin <nasedkin at chalmers.se>
>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>>> As I understood the problem, you need to distinguish between surface and
>>> buried carbons?
>>> You could define two atomtypes that differ in name and use it to process
>>> with x2top.
>>> Below is an example of *.n2t lines. You would need to change the charges
>>> and bondlengthes.
>>> ...
>>> O    OCH    -1.05    15.9994    2    C    0.154 H 0.1    ; oxygen, -OH
>>> group
>>> O    OCE    -1.05    15.9994    2    C    0.154 C 0.154    ; bridge
>>> oxygen
>>> ...
>>> Then you need *.n2t file in your ff.
>>> Good luck!
>>> -Alex
>>> On 25/11/2017 22:06, Justin Lemkul wrote:
>>>> On 11/25/17 3:31 PM, Rakesh Pant wrote:
>>>> But then I how will include the C atom (which is also one of the
>>>>> atomtypes)?
>>>>> No idea, but I know people on this list have dealt with graphene oxide
>>>> before, so hopefully someone else chimes in.
>>>> -Justin
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Rakesh Pant/राकेश पंत
Research Fellow/अनुसंधान फेलो
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER)
भारतीय विज्ञान शिक्षा एवं अनुसंधान संस्थान
Pune-411008, India/ पुणे - ४११००८, भारत

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