[gmx-users] Best method to calculate binding free energy with GROMACS version 2016.3

Lalehan Ozalp lalehan.ozalp at gmail.com
Thu Apr 25 14:35:47 CEST 2019

Hi everyone,
I've run several simulations with a set of 6 ligands and an enzyme (30 ns)
in water. I want to employ a method to calculate binding free energy of the
ligands but I'm aware that MMPBSA is not compatible with version 2016.3.
The forcefield I've used is charmm36-nov2018.ff.

I know I have options like PMF, BAR, FEP and LIE. However, I cannot be sure
which one to use. From the manual (or other materials) readings I've made
so far, they all seem to make sense.

Any help would be appreciated.


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