[gmx-users] Quick and Dirty Installation Error

Vinu Harihar vhariha5 at jhu.edu
Tue Mar 17 03:36:02 CET 2020


I am trying to install GROMACS 2020 on my Windows laptop using Cygwin 3.1.4. I have run the steps outlined in the installation guide (http://manual.gromacs.org/documentation/2020/install-guide/index.html) before the command "make", version 4.3,. The command cmake in the build folder executed properly. When I try to execute "make", it returns the following error:

/gromacs-2020/src/external/thread_mpi/src/tmpi_init.cpp:476:42: error: 'strdup' was not declared in this scope; did you mean 'strcmp'?
  476 |                     threads[i].argv[j] = strdup( (*argv)[j] );
      |                                          ^~~~~~
      |                                          strcmp

The error has to do with the C++ compiler I installed (g++ from gcc version 9.2.0) not recognizing the object 'strdup'. Is there a way to fix this error?

Vinu Harihar

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