[Abe.kth.se_sakraplatseruserlist] Welcome to "Beyond crime generators and attractors" 28th January 2021, 17:30 CET

Vania Ceccato vania.ceccato at abe.kth.se
Mon Jan 25 07:29:05 CET 2021

Welcome to seminary series

Risky places for crime
28th January 2021, 17:30 CET
Crime does not occur randomly, it tends to be concentrated in places that are ‘risky’. These places include a range of settings such as convenience stores, parks, and transit stations, even confined to particular street corners, depending on the crime. However, our understanding of the places and settings that attract disproportionately high levels of crimes is still in its infancy. In this seminary series, we invite prominent national and international scholars to offer us their perspective on the nature of risky places for crime and policy responses in different contexts.

The second speaker is Prof Patricia Brantingham, Simon Fraser University, Canada<https://kth.us15.list-manage.com/track/click?u=9a8b294cb6aa3caf7434ee8af&id=2ff1376737&e=08fdeee950>.

Beyond crime generators and attractors
A tenet of crime pattern theory (Brantingham and Brantingham, 1993) is that certain places may act as a crime attractor, crime generator, crime detractor, or crime neutral area. Originally, it was postulated that places which bring lots of people together, whereby an offender identifies an opportunity for crime that was not pre-planned, can be considered as a generator of crime; whereas some places are already known to offenders as potentially good targets for crime will be an attractor of crime. Both can be considered as risky places. In contrast, other places can be considered crime neutral or crime detractors, and are therefore places of low risk of crime. This lecture builds on the article by Kinney et al. (2008) and considered the extent to which land use and urban design will influence crime generators and attractors, crime concentration, and the composition of risky places.

This series of seminars is organized by KTH-Safeplaces Network, Sweden & Department of Criminology, Nottingham Trent University in the UK.


Register for the webinar:


Thanks for sharing the invitation,

Best wishes,

Vania Ceccato
Professor of urban and community safety
Department of urban planning and environment
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Teknikringen 10 A
100 44 Stockholm
Phone: +46-8-7908625
Mobile: 073-6649070

British Society of Criminology International Ambassador<https://www.britsoccrim.org/whos-who/international-ambassadors/>
Coordinator of Safeplaces network<https://www.sakraplatser.abe.kth.se/en/>
@cambvace<https://twitter.com/cambvace>,  Linkedin<https://se.linkedin.com/in/vania-ceccato-7973a896>

OpenAccess book: Crime and fear in public places (2020)<https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/e/9780429352775>
Book: Transit Crime and Sexual Violence in Cities (2020) <https://www.routledge.com/Transit-Crime-and-Sexual-Violence-in-Cities-International-Evidence-and/Ceccato-Loukaitou-Sideris/p/book/9780367258627>

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